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Surviving the Desert

There is nothing appealing about a desert. It’s hot, dry, and not the least bit comfortable. Without proper precautions, the combination of sand and wind can cause severe damage to your skin and eyes. Dehydration becomes a dangerous reality. The uneven sand can cause one to sink and work extra hard to tread through in order to reach the end of their journey. For good reason, it’s simply not a journey most people want to experience! Without an ample supply of resources, life can easily become unbearable in these conditions. Yet, we all have or will have gone through a desert season, probably multiple times, in our lives. Can you relate to this right now? Do you feel like you’re in a “sinking” season, feeling parched, and in need of relief?

What if I told you all you need in the desert…is a rock? Let me explain:

1. A rock provides firm footing. Psalm 40:2 assures us that God “lifts us up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and sets our feet upon a rock, making our steps secure. “ That rock is Jesus! He’s the only firm foundation that your life can be built upon. There’s an old popular hymn that encapsulates this truth perfectly in just two lines: “On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.” Jesus can bring stability to your mind and emotions so that you overcome your circumstances (See Isaiah 33:6). The uneven sand you’re walking through can’t keep you down when you have a solid rock to stand upon!

2. A rock provides water. In the book of Exodus, the entire Israelite community set foot on an extensive journey through the desert and were soon in desperate need of water. After hearing their grumblings, God instructed Moses, their leader, to “Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” Of course, naturally speaking, this is impossible and doesn’t make sense. But God will often use the most unlikely sources to provide you with what you need!

I experienced this a few years ago while serving at an inner city homeless outreach. This was an outreach I looked forward to attending on a regular basis because I loved being able to bless and serve others in need of food, clothing, blankets, and/or prayers. However, one evening, to my surprise, I was amazed at how God used a homeless woman to bless me! I was going through a very difficult “desert” season at the time and God revealed some parts of it to this precious soul. She was able to speak directly to my circumstance without me saying a word, and I left feeling completely uplifted and encouraged! Christ, the solid rock, was working through her to give me the refreshing water I so desperately needed. We must be aware of this so that we never overlook or dismiss opportunities of divine provision in the desert.

3. A rock provides rest. When Joshua led the Israelites in a fight against the Amalekites, Moses was required by God to hold up a staff in his hands throughout its entire duration. As long as he held up his hands, victory would be theirs. However, Moses’ hands eventually grew tired, and so the Israelites took a rock and put it under him to sit on (Exodus 17:12). The rock enabled Moses to rest so that he could maintain enough strength to overcome the enemy.

Jesus will always support you and relieve you from unnecessary burdens when you exchange yours for His. In Matthew 11:28-30 He says for all who are weary and burdened to come to Him so that He can give them rest. He also reminds us that “His yoke is easy and His burden is light.”

Going through a desert can be an arduous quest, but God is there to help get you through it. He’s a rock that can withstand any storm, any climate, and any season. You are not going to sink with Him as your firm foundation!


March On!

Letty Roy

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